Public Index Network
News about Public Index Network
14 Feb 2020, 03:16
Have you checked out the $FLO community on Telegram?
It's a great way to keep up with development news and FLO Foundation initiatives. Drop by today and say hello! #telegram #blockchain #crypto
Have you checked out the $FLO community on Telegram.Have you checked out the $FLO community on Telegram?
It's a great way to keep up with development news and FLO Foundation initiatives. Drop by today and say hello! #telegram #blockchain #crypto https://t.co/lL2VVkqXeD
12 Feb 2020, 21:26
RT @WilliamShatner: You should look at @medici_ventures and what they are doing in the space. They are partnering with companies that have…
RT @WilliamShatner: You should look at @medici_ventures and what they are doing in the space.RT @WilliamShatner: You should look at @medici_ventures and what they are doing in the space. They are partnering with companies that have…
06 Feb 2020, 15:28
Watch our friend @jennapilgrim, Co-Founder and CEO of
@StreambedMedia, explain how $FLO, #OIP, and Streambed can be used to monetize usage, traffic, and derivative pathway data for internet content.
#piracyiscool #BTCMiami #digitalmedia #contentrights
Watch our friend @jennapilgrim, Co-Founder and CEO of.Watch our friend @jennapilgrim, Co-Founder and CEO of
@StreambedMedia, explain how $FLO, #OIP, and Streambed can be used to monetize usage, traffic, and derivative pathway data for internet content.
#piracyiscool #BTCMiami #digitalmedia #contentrights https://t.co/I7A4imLXCh
05 Feb 2020, 04:19
RT @notsofast: Sounds like a job for @OpenIndexProto.
Oh, no, wait, @Twitter is going to take care of it in-house with their own completely…
RT @notsofast: Sounds like a job for @OpenIndexProto.RT @notsofast: Sounds like a job for @OpenIndexProto.
Oh, no, wait, @Twitter is going to take care of it in-house with their own completely…
03 Feb 2020, 20:11
ICYMI: TokenPost interviewed $FLO Blockchain lead developer and @alexandria co-founder @JosephFiscella about creating a decentralized "iTunes for everything."
A transcript of the interview is here: #crypto #altcoin #blockchain
ICYMI: TokenPost interviewed $FLO Blockchain lead developer and @alexandria co-founder @JosephFiscella about creating a decentraICYMI: TokenPost interviewed $FLO Blockchain lead developer and @alexandria co-founder @JosephFiscella about creating a decentralized "iTunes for everything."
A transcript of the interview is here: https://t.co/U3O2BHyueJ #crypto #altcoin #blockchain https://t.co/URy7moIJ7S
30 Jan 2020, 18:57
Check out this new app from Scotty0448:
Create a permanent record on the $FLO blockchain!
#metadata #datapersistence #blockchain #permanentrecord
Check out this new app from Scotty0448:. Create a permanent record on the $FLO blockchain.Check out this new app from Scotty0448:
Create a permanent record on the $FLO blockchain!
#metadata #datapersistence #blockchain #permanentrecord https://t.co/MgesPoWiLA
30 Jan 2020, 17:13
Our community has been hard at work! Check out the new $FLO wiki page:
From a detailed six-year development timeline, to a repository of FLO interviews and publications, our new wiki has it all. #gowiththeFLO #FLO #crypto #altcoin #blockchain #metadata
Our community has been hard at work. Check out the new $FLO wiki page:.Our community has been hard at work! Check out the new $FLO wiki page:
From a detailed six-year development timeline, to a repository of FLO interviews and publications, our new wiki has it all. #gowiththeFLO #FLO #crypto #altcoin #blockchain #metadata https://t.co/gxeJDvGyJb
29 Jan 2020, 19:30
ICYMI: @openindexproto recently won the #WyoHackathon #SandcastleStartupsChallenge. Big things on the horizon for $FLO and #OIP! #crypto #blockchain #altcoins
CONGRATS to the big winner of the #Wyoming #Blockchain Stampede’s SandCastle Challenge, @OpenIndexProto! Best wishes on your next step toward #Dubai2020—Teton County’s land title project is lucky to have you! @BlocktechCEO @alexandria #WyoHackathon @medici_ventures
ICYMI: @openindexproto recently won the #WyoHackathon #SandcastleStartupsChallenge.ICYMI: @openindexproto recently won the #WyoHackathon #SandcastleStartupsChallenge. Big things on the horizon for $FLO and #OIP! #crypto #blockchain #altcoins
https://t.co/q6IxGcF8L8 https://t.co/GX7cmCaHOf
CONGRATS to the big winner of the #Wyoming #Blockchain Stampede’s SandCastle Challenge, @OpenIndexProto! Best wishes on your next step toward #Dubai2020—Teton County’s land title project is lucky to have you! @BlocktechCEO @alexandria #WyoHackathon @medici_ventures https://t.co/6l60v8yyZV
28 Jan 2020, 17:48
ICYMI: Check out this summary of what's been happening on the $FLO Blockchain by @IntheFLO2
#crypto #blockchain #cryptocurrency #FLO
What’s been happening on the $FLO Blockchain? Find out in this installment of The State of the FLO #crypto #blockchain @medici_land_gov @theJensenLab @FLOblockchain @AbraGlobal @DigixGlobal
ICYMI: Check out this summary of what's been happening on the $FLO Blockchain by @IntheFLO2.ICYMI: Check out this summary of what's been happening on the $FLO Blockchain by @IntheFLO2
#crypto #blockchain #cryptocurrency #FLO https://t.co/qgVyG47LNv
What’s been happening on the $FLO Blockchain? Find out in this installment of The State of the FLO https://t.co/0DSyo4Jk5w #crypto #blockchain @medici_land_gov @theJensenLab @FLOblockchain @AbraGlobal @DigixGlobal
27 Jan 2020, 20:12
Want to immutably memorialize the genesis of an idea or agreement on the #blockchain while keeping its contents private? $FLO can do that! Check out this article from @IntheFLO2:
GNU Privacy Guard and Flotorizer: A Match Made in Cryptography
Want to immutably memorialize the genesis of an idea or agreement on the #blockchain while keeping its contents private.Want to immutably memorialize the genesis of an idea or agreement on the #blockchain while keeping its contents private? $FLO can do that! Check out this article from @IntheFLO2:
GNU Privacy Guard and Flotorizer: A Match Made in Cryptography
#crypto https://t.co/Csd7Jz1uMB
26 Jan 2020, 16:45
Did you know @medici_land_gov has a mining pool running for $FLO? For more information, including instructions on how to connect, go to
#medici #ASIC #antminer #crypto #cryptocurrency #mining #blockchain #FLO
Did you know @medici_land_gov has a mining pool running for $FLO.Did you know @medici_land_gov has a mining pool running for $FLO? For more information, including instructions on how to connect, go to https://t.co/oQ2kYHRbYG
#medici #ASIC #antminer #crypto #cryptocurrency #mining #blockchain #FLO https://t.co/Wqybry8bji
25 Jan 2020, 17:24
Did you know you can run a $FLO full node via the FLO Desktop Wallet App ("FLO Core")? This guide will get you up and running and storing #floData on the FLO Blockchain:
#gowiththeflo #metadata #altcoin #crypto
Did you know you can run a $FLO full node via the FLO Desktop Wallet App ("FLO Core").Did you know you can run a $FLO full node via the FLO Desktop Wallet App ("FLO Core")? This guide will get you up and running and storing #floData on the FLO Blockchain:
#gowiththeflo #metadata #altcoin #crypto https://t.co/nMLMjNYGc8
24 Jan 2020, 16:05
$FLO is now on the POX mobile wallet @WalletPox
Check it out:
POX Wallet is the first mobile wallet that support $FLO. Use POX Wallet to send and Receive #FLO.@FLOblockchain
You can download app on AppStore and GooglePlay by searching "POX WALLET" or downloading at:
App Store:
Google Play:
$FLO is now on the POX mobile wallet @WalletPox. Check it out:. POX Wallet is the first mobile wallet that support $FLO.$FLO is now on the POX mobile wallet @WalletPox
Check it out:
https://t.co/fWrD209Al9 https://t.co/JSPZ4aJKFj
POX Wallet is the first mobile wallet that support $FLO. Use POX Wallet to send and Receive #FLO.@FLOblockchain
You can download app on AppStore and GooglePlay by searching "POX WALLET" or downloading at:
App Store: https://t.co/1Krf7I61uE
Google Play: https://t.co/L1wUc1bApK
23 Jan 2020, 17:00
Check out Episode 2 of @OpenIndexProto's new series "What Kind of Internet Do You Want?"
How to Win the Platform Wars -- Four Things To Consider Before Building a Platform for Web 3.
#Bigtech $FLO #Blockchain #Censorship $BTC #MakeTheInternetFreeAgain
Check out Episode 2 of @OpenIndexProto's new series "What Kind of Internet Do You Want.Check out Episode 2 of @OpenIndexProto's new series "What Kind of Internet Do You Want?"
How to Win the Platform Wars -- Four Things To Consider Before Building a Platform for Web 3.
#Bigtech $FLO #Blockchain #Censorship $BTC #MakeTheInternetFreeAgain https://t.co/9MRBIpXcCw
18 Jan 2020, 01:55
New FLO app created by Scotty0448:
Use this to notarize documents for FREE on the FLO blockchain ⚜️🔖✅
New FLO app created by Scotty0448:. Use this to notarize documents for FREE on the FLO blockchain.New FLO app created by Scotty0448: https://t.co/8UwgXrFgCc
Use this to notarize documents for FREE on the FLO blockchain ⚜️🔖✅ https://t.co/lmHkdJfn3d
15 Jan 2020, 22:38
Built on FLO ⚜️
Listen to @AmyofAlexandria talk about the future of decentralized media. via @johnbiggs
Built on FLO. Listen to @AmyofAlexandria talk about the future of decentralized media. via @johnbiggs.Built on FLO ⚜️ https://t.co/JKRYyYh9N9
Listen to @AmyofAlexandria talk about the future of decentralized media. https://t.co/38wOaVpnAq via @johnbiggs
15 Jan 2020, 19:00
$FLO is now available via @AbraGlobal! Download the app and get in the #FLO today!
#abra #altcoins #crypto
$FLO is now available via @AbraGlobal. Download the app and get in the #FLO today. #abra #altcoins #crypto.$FLO is now available via @AbraGlobal! Download the app and get in the #FLO today!
#abra #altcoins #crypto https://t.co/EF1VxzZw5a
14 Jan 2020, 19:35
Are your Litecoin miners sitting idle? Point them at @medici_land_gov's mining pool at
#LTC #ASIC #antminer #crypto #cryptocurrency #scrypt #mining #blockchain #FLO $LTC
Are your Litecoin miners sitting idle. Point them at @medici_land_gov's mining pool at.Are your Litecoin miners sitting idle? Point them at @medici_land_gov's mining pool at https://t.co/oQ2kYHRbYG.
#LTC #ASIC #antminer #crypto #cryptocurrency #scrypt #mining #blockchain #FLO $LTC https://t.co/jXguqUCi5i
09 Jan 2020, 12:41
RT @jennapilgrim: CAN'T WAIT to share what we're up to at @streambedmedia for the FIRST TIME EVER at #TNABC #BTCMiami next week! See you th…
RT @jennapilgrim: CAN'T WAIT to share what we're up to at @streambedmedia for the FIRST TIME EVER at #TNABC #BTCMiami next week.RT @jennapilgrim: CAN'T WAIT to share what we're up to at @streambedmedia for the FIRST TIME EVER at #TNABC #BTCMiami next week! See you th…
08 Jan 2020, 19:00
ICYMI: @Trezor support is now available for $FLO via The current version also supports both $BTC and $RVN. Special thanks to our friend Scotty, the FLO Foundation, and our awesome community. #trezor #crypto #altcoins #BTC #FLO #RVN #blockchain
ICYMI: @Trezor support is now available for $FLO via The current version also supports both $BTC and $RVN.ICYMI: @Trezor support is now available for $FLO via https://t.co/YYMry78bFb. The current version also supports both $BTC and $RVN. Special thanks to our friend Scotty, the FLO Foundation, and our awesome community. #trezor #crypto #altcoins #BTC #FLO #RVN #blockchain https://t.co/OEJdlJHSnn
08 Jan 2020, 15:50
RT @cchrysostom: Making thw Web of, for, and by the people. @OpenIndexProto on @FLOblockchain
RT @cchrysostom: Making thw Web of, for, and by the people. @OpenIndexProto on @FLOblockchain.RT @cchrysostom: Making thw Web of, for, and by the people. @OpenIndexProto on @FLOblockchain https://t.co/d1qY1I6GD2
07 Jan 2020, 22:12
Want to put an end to censorship, demonetization and deep fakes on the internet? Learn how in the new video series from our friends at @OpenIndexProto
#deplatform #censorship #demonetization #datamining #worldwideindex #datapublishing #opensource
Want to put an end to censorship, demonetization and deep fakes on the internet.Want to put an end to censorship, demonetization and deep fakes on the internet? Learn how in the new video series from our friends at @OpenIndexProto
#deplatform #censorship #demonetization #datamining #worldwideindex #datapublishing #opensource https://t.co/hifZvbgA8F
06 Jan 2020, 13:22
RT @PatrickByrne: Well played.
RT @PatrickByrne: Well played.RT @PatrickByrne: Well played. https://t.co/uB7rLjiKSr
06 Jan 2020, 12:50
RT @cchrysostom: @LaFlameD @PatrickByrne @FLOblockchain @Ravencoin I think you're talking about the land records work of MLG. In short, OIP…
RT @cchrysostom: @LaFlameD @PatrickByrne @FLOblockchain @Ravencoin I think you're talking about the land records work of MLG.RT @cchrysostom: @LaFlameD @PatrickByrne @FLOblockchain @Ravencoin I think you're talking about the land records work of MLG. In short, OIP…
17 Dec 2019, 20:29
Did you know you can create a FLO webapp in seconds using this dead-simple javascript @nodejs library:
Check it out and let us know what you are building!
Did you know you can create a FLO webapp in seconds using this dead-simple javascript @nodejs library:.Did you know you can create a FLO webapp in seconds using this dead-simple javascript @nodejs library:
Check it out and let us know what you are building! https://t.co/yTnj7GSBuu
14 Dec 2019, 02:56
The $FLO Developer #AMA will be starting shortly. Come join us at
#FLO #blockchain #cryptography #code #developer #tech #science #archivaltrust
The $FLO Developer #AMA will be starting shortly. Come join us at.The $FLO Developer #AMA will be starting shortly. Come join us at https://t.co/iasx2rjxOt.
#FLO #blockchain #cryptography #code #developer #tech #science #archivaltrust https://t.co/mJNrVY4Ijk
13 Dec 2019, 18:56
Meet the $FLO Dev:
@JosephFiscella is VP and Lead Blockchain Developer at @goblockparty, an @alexandria co-founder, and a FLO Core OG who's been involved with FLO since its '13 launch. Hit Joey up with your questions during tonight's AMA at 10pm EST
Meet the $FLO Dev:.Meet the $FLO Dev:
@JosephFiscella is VP and Lead Blockchain Developer at @goblockparty, an @alexandria co-founder, and a FLO Core OG who's been involved with FLO since its '13 launch. Hit Joey up with your questions during tonight's AMA at 10pm EST https://t.co/iasx2rjxOt. https://t.co/XbLSR7jyXp
13 Dec 2019, 02:54
Meet the $FLO Dev:
@bitspill6 has been a blockchain and FLO Core Dev for 4+ years. He's worked on many projects including $BTC, $SC, $ETH, and @vergecurrency. Chat with him this Friday at 10pm EST
Check out his full bio here:
Meet the $FLO Dev:. @bitspill6 has been a blockchain and FLO Core Dev for 4+ years.Meet the $FLO Dev:
@bitspill6 has been a blockchain and FLO Core Dev for 4+ years. He's worked on many projects including $BTC, $SC, $ETH, and @vergecurrency. Chat with him this Friday at 10pm EST https://t.co/iasx2rjxOt.
Check out his full bio here: https://t.co/0zsKKW0PEh https://t.co/35RUjOAknB
11 Dec 2019, 22:13
Meet the $FLO Dev:
@OstlerDev is a Blockchain/Distributed Systems Dev @medici_land_gov, a member of the #OIP Working Group, and a FLO Core Dev. Chat with Sky during our AMA this Friday at 10pm EST
Check out Sky's full bio here:
Meet the $FLO Dev:.Meet the $FLO Dev:
@OstlerDev is a Blockchain/Distributed Systems Dev @medici_land_gov, a member of the #OIP Working Group, and a FLO Core Dev. Chat with Sky during our AMA this Friday at 10pm EST https://t.co/iasx2rjxOt.
Check out Sky's full bio here:
https://t.co/0zsKKW0PEh https://t.co/RuxuUNmxXg
10 Dec 2019, 19:45
Meet the $FLO Dev:
@ortega_science is a PhD biophysicist, project coordinator for https://t.co/872OvPqVIi, and a FLO Core Developer. Chat with Davi during our AMA this Friday at 10pm EST
Check out Davi's full bio here:
Meet the $FLO Dev:. @ortega_science is a PhD biophysicist, project coordinator for and a FLO Core Developer.Meet the $FLO Dev:
@ortega_science is a PhD biophysicist, project coordinator for https://t.co/872OvPqVIi, and a FLO Core Developer. Chat with Davi during our AMA this Friday at 10pm EST https://t.co/iasx2rjxOt.
Check out Davi's full bio here:
https://t.co/0zsKKW0PEh https://t.co/Mx5Tps7SuM
09 Dec 2019, 18:44
Meet the $FLO Dev: @cchrysostom is a Dev Lead @medici_land_gov who is using $FLO to create a global property rights register. Come chat with him during the Telegram AMA this Friday at 10pm EST
Check out his full bio here:
Meet the $FLO Dev: @cchrysostom is a Dev Lead @medici_land_gov who is using $FLO to create a global property rights register.Meet the $FLO Dev: @cchrysostom is a Dev Lead @medici_land_gov who is using $FLO to create a global property rights register. Come chat with him during the Telegram AMA this Friday at 10pm EST https://t.co/iasx2rjxOt.
Check out his full bio here:
https://t.co/0zsKKW0PEh https://t.co/LxNi5l8PqV
06 Dec 2019, 17:43
Join the $FLO Developers for an #AMA in our Telegram Channel (https://t.co/iasx2rjxOt) on Friday December 13th at 10pm EST - 7pm PST.
If you can't make it, you can submit questions by replying to this tweet or emailing floamaproject@gmail.com.
Join the $FLO Developers for an #AMA in our Telegram Channel () on Friday December 13th at 10pm EST - 7pm PST.Join the $FLO Developers for an #AMA in our Telegram Channel (https://t.co/iasx2rjxOt) on Friday December 13th at 10pm EST - 7pm PST.
If you can't make it, you can submit questions by replying to this tweet or emailing floamaproject@gmail.com. https://t.co/53ALngatWR
05 Dec 2019, 14:30
Are your Litecoin miners sitting idle? Point them at @medici_land_gov's mining pool at
#LTC #ASIC #antminer #crypto #cryptocurrency #scrypt #mining #blockchain #FLO $LTC
Are your Litecoin miners sitting idle. Point them at @medici_land_gov's mining pool at.Are your Litecoin miners sitting idle? Point them at @medici_land_gov's mining pool at https://t.co/oQ2kYHRbYG.
#LTC #ASIC #antminer #crypto #cryptocurrency #scrypt #mining #blockchain #FLO $LTC https://t.co/kwy43u1fUd
02 Dec 2019, 16:30
$FLO is now available via @AbraGlobal! Download the app and get in the #FLO today!
#abra #altcoins #crypto
$FLO is now available via @AbraGlobal. Download the app and get in the #FLO today. #abra #altcoins #crypto.$FLO is now available via @AbraGlobal! Download the app and get in the #FLO today!
#abra #altcoins #crypto https://t.co/4LydhR5I95
22 Nov 2019, 19:29
Did you know you can run a $FLO full node via the FLO Desktop Wallet App ("FLO Core")? This guide will get you up and running and storing #floData on the FLO Blockchain:
#gowiththeflo #metadata #altcoin #crypto
Did you know you can run a $FLO full node via the FLO Desktop Wallet App ("FLO Core").Did you know you can run a $FLO full node via the FLO Desktop Wallet App ("FLO Core")? This guide will get you up and running and storing #floData on the FLO Blockchain:
#gowiththeflo #metadata #altcoin #crypto https://t.co/YXaG0o5l6x
22 Nov 2019, 15:00
Did you know @medici_land_gov has a mining pool running for $FLO? For more information, including instructions on how to connect, go to
#medici #ASIC #antminer #crypto #cryptocurrency #mining #blockchain #FLO
Did you know @medici_land_gov has a mining pool running for $FLO.Did you know @medici_land_gov has a mining pool running for $FLO? For more information, including instructions on how to connect, go to https://t.co/oQ2kYHRbYG
#medici #ASIC #antminer #crypto #cryptocurrency #mining #blockchain #FLO https://t.co/N9UHsVPJhP
21 Nov 2019, 20:58
ICYMI: Check out this summary of what's been happening on the $FLO Blockchain by @IntheFLO2
#crypto #blockchain #cryptocurrency #FLO
What’s been happening on the $FLO Blockchain? Find out in this installment of The State of the FLO #crypto #blockchain @medici_land_gov @theJensenLab @FLOblockchain @AbraGlobal @DigixGlobal
ICYMI: Check out this summary of what's been happening on the $FLO Blockchain by @IntheFLO2.ICYMI: Check out this summary of what's been happening on the $FLO Blockchain by @IntheFLO2
#crypto #blockchain #cryptocurrency #FLO https://t.co/e2wGorGacS
What’s been happening on the $FLO Blockchain? Find out in this installment of The State of the FLO https://t.co/0DSyo4Jk5w #crypto #blockchain @medici_land_gov @theJensenLab @FLOblockchain @AbraGlobal @DigixGlobal
18 Nov 2019, 00:00
Want to immutably memorialize the genesis of an idea or agreement on the #blockchain while keeping its contents private? $FLO can do that! Check out this article from @IntheFLO2:
GNU Privacy Guard and Flotorizer: A Match Made in Cryptography
Want to immutably memorialize the genesis of an idea or agreement on the #blockchain while keeping its contents private.Want to immutably memorialize the genesis of an idea or agreement on the #blockchain while keeping its contents private? $FLO can do that! Check out this article from @IntheFLO2:
GNU Privacy Guard and Flotorizer: A Match Made in Cryptography
#crypto https://t.co/oVXlYv2Yzq
15 Nov 2019, 20:50
$FLO is now on the POX mobile wallet @WalletPox
Check it out:
POX Wallet is the first mobile wallet that support $FLO. Use POX Wallet to send and Receive #FLO.@FLOblockchain
You can download app on AppStore and GooglePlay by searching "POX WALLET" or downloading at:
App Store:
Google Play:
$FLO is now on the POX mobile wallet @WalletPox. Check it out:. POX Wallet is the first mobile wallet that support $FLO.$FLO is now on the POX mobile wallet @WalletPox
Check it out:
https://t.co/fWrD209Al9 https://t.co/ClowFB5liN
POX Wallet is the first mobile wallet that support $FLO. Use POX Wallet to send and Receive #FLO.@FLOblockchain
You can download app on AppStore and GooglePlay by searching "POX WALLET" or downloading at:
App Store: https://t.co/1Krf7I61uE
Google Play: https://t.co/L1wUc1bApK
14 Nov 2019, 02:23
What's been happening on the $FLO Blockchain? Check out this summary from our friends at @IntheFLO2:
#crypto #blockchain #cryptocurrency #FLO
What’s been happening on the $FLO Blockchain? Find out in this installment of The State of the FLO #crypto #blockchain @medici_land_gov @theJensenLab @FLOblockchain @AbraGlobal @DigixGlobal
What's been happening on the $FLO Blockchain. Check out this summary from our friends at @IntheFLO2:.What's been happening on the $FLO Blockchain? Check out this summary from our friends at @IntheFLO2:
#crypto #blockchain #cryptocurrency #FLO https://t.co/fXPk4ESu9g
What’s been happening on the $FLO Blockchain? Find out in this installment of The State of the FLO https://t.co/0DSyo4Jk5w #crypto #blockchain @medici_land_gov @theJensenLab @FLOblockchain @AbraGlobal @DigixGlobal
12 Nov 2019, 18:11
$FLO is now available via @AbraGlobal! Download the app and get in the #FLO today!
#abra #altcoins #crypto
$FLO is now available via @AbraGlobal. Download the app and get in the #FLO today. #abra #altcoins #crypto.$FLO is now available via @AbraGlobal! Download the app and get in the #FLO today!
#abra #altcoins #crypto https://t.co/f1YSnTN7fQ
05 Nov 2019, 21:02
ICYMI: @openindexproto recently won the #WyoHackathon #SandcastleStartupsChallenge. Big things on the horizon for $FLO and #OIP! #crypto #blockchain #altcoins
CONGRATS to the big winner of the #Wyoming #Blockchain Stampede’s SandCastle Challenge, @OpenIndexProto! Best wishes on your next step toward #Dubai2020—Teton County’s land title project is lucky to have you! @BlocktechCEO @alexandria #WyoHackathon @medici_ventures
ICYMI: @openindexproto recently won the #WyoHackathon #SandcastleStartupsChallenge.ICYMI: @openindexproto recently won the #WyoHackathon #SandcastleStartupsChallenge. Big things on the horizon for $FLO and #OIP! #crypto #blockchain #altcoins
https://t.co/q6IxGcF8L8 https://t.co/UenwxtHvan
CONGRATS to the big winner of the #Wyoming #Blockchain Stampede’s SandCastle Challenge, @OpenIndexProto! Best wishes on your next step toward #Dubai2020—Teton County’s land title project is lucky to have you! @BlocktechCEO @alexandria #WyoHackathon @medici_ventures https://t.co/6l60v8yyZV
04 Nov 2019, 21:43
$FLO is real use cases! @DigixGlobal recently used #Flotorizer and the FLO Blockchain to notarize a $4MM development deal (https://t.co/JcEs8CSMxc). FLO's 1024 byte metadata layer is used in many creative ways. Is FLO the solution for you? #proofofexistence #crypto #blockchain
$FLO is real use cases. @DigixGlobal recently used #Flotorizer and the FLO Blockchain to notarize a $4MM development deal ().$FLO is real use cases! @DigixGlobal recently used #Flotorizer and the FLO Blockchain to notarize a $4MM development deal (https://t.co/JcEs8CSMxc). FLO's 1024 byte metadata layer is used in many creative ways. Is FLO the solution for you? #proofofexistence #crypto #blockchain https://t.co/cnfJDDCtRu
01 Nov 2019, 16:49
Real use case: @TetonCounty put thousands of land records on the $FLO #Blockchain via @medici_land_gov and @cchrysostom! Check it out:
#FLO #crypto #cryptocurrency #landrights #propertylaw #medici
Real use case: @TetonCounty put thousands of land records on the $FLO #Blockchain via @medici_land_gov and @cchrysostom.Real use case: @TetonCounty put thousands of land records on the $FLO #Blockchain via @medici_land_gov and @cchrysostom! Check it out:
#FLO #crypto #cryptocurrency #landrights #propertylaw #medici https://t.co/qh3XiXlWcL
29 Oct 2019, 13:09
Did you know that @theJensenLab and @caltech are using $FLO to support advancements in science and medicine? Listen to @ortega_science discuss this interesting use case:
#research #science #medicine #metadata #OIP #crypto #blockchain
Did you know that @theJensenLab and @caltech are using $FLO to support advancements in science and medicine.Did you know that @theJensenLab and @caltech are using $FLO to support advancements in science and medicine? Listen to @ortega_science discuss this interesting use case:
#research #science #medicine #metadata #OIP #crypto #blockchain https://t.co/DCajDp8X68
28 Oct 2019, 13:35
Want to immutably memorialize the genesis of an idea or agreement on the #blockchain while keeping its contents private? $FLO can do that! Check out this article from @IntheFLO2:
GNU Privacy Guard and Flotorizer: A Match Made in Cryptography
Want to immutably memorialize the genesis of an idea or agreement on the #blockchain while keeping its contents private.Want to immutably memorialize the genesis of an idea or agreement on the #blockchain while keeping its contents private? $FLO can do that! Check out this article from @IntheFLO2:
GNU Privacy Guard and Flotorizer: A Match Made in Cryptography
#crypto https://t.co/IcWPVie0bH
24 Oct 2019, 13:35
Have you checked out "Flotorizer"? It's an app that notarizes files using the $FLO blockchain. You can append a sha-512 hash to a file and insert it in the FLO blockchain. With Flotorizer, "Proof-of-Existence" is just one click away.
Check it out here:
Have you checked out "Flotorizer". It's an app that notarizes files using the $FLO blockchain.Have you checked out "Flotorizer"? It's an app that notarizes files using the $FLO blockchain. You can append a sha-512 hash to a file and insert it in the FLO blockchain. With Flotorizer, "Proof-of-Existence" is just one click away.
Check it out here: https://t.co/LmkcU1UcEi https://t.co/ZYQMRQ68u8
23 Oct 2019, 23:00
$FLO was born in 2013. With a circulating supply of ~150m FLO and total minable supply of 160m $FLO is 95% mined. #NoICO #NoPreMine #NoAirDrops #FairLaunch #ProofOfWork #CryptoCurrency #Blockchain
$FLO was born in 2013. With a circulating supply of ~150m FLO and total minable supply of 160m $FLO is 95% mined.$FLO was born in 2013. With a circulating supply of ~150m FLO and total minable supply of 160m $FLO is 95% mined. #NoICO #NoPreMine #NoAirDrops #FairLaunch #ProofOfWork #CryptoCurrency #Blockchain https://t.co/fYUgkJfUgS
23 Oct 2019, 21:09
Did you know FLO is available at @bittrexexchange? As a fair launch, proof of work, no ICO coin, no fees were paid for the listing! We are honored and grateful for the continued support from one of the most trusted cryptocurrency exchanges out there. Thank you @bittrexexchange!
Did you know FLO is available at @bittrexexchange.Did you know FLO is available at @bittrexexchange? As a fair launch, proof of work, no ICO coin, no fees were paid for the listing! We are honored and grateful for the continued support from one of the most trusted cryptocurrency exchanges out there. Thank you @bittrexexchange! https://t.co/J4ENlM3Fxe
22 Oct 2019, 18:43
Following up on her 2014 interview, @naomibrockwell recently sat down with @JosephFiscella to discuss FLO's journey over the past 5 years, and its adoption by $OSTK's @tzeroblockchain and @medici_land_gov, as well as its use by @caltech's @theJensenLab.
Following up on her 2014 interview, @naomibrockwell recently sat down with @JosephFiscella to discuss FLO's journey over the pasFollowing up on her 2014 interview, @naomibrockwell recently sat down with @JosephFiscella to discuss FLO's journey over the past 5 years, and its adoption by $OSTK's @tzeroblockchain and @medici_land_gov, as well as its use by @caltech's @theJensenLab.
https://t.co/oQYZlQDuYy https://t.co/FKCuidsdZU